Sunday, March 30, 2025
Parents choose to enroll their children at Bear Creek Community Charter School for a variety of reasons. What is most unique is the mere existence of Bear Creek Community Charter School as a public school, providing parents with a real choice in deciding what is best for their child's education. Prior to 2004, parents residing in the Wyoming Valley who could not afford a private or parochial school had no such choice. Since Bear Creek Community Charter School is a public school and does not charge tuition, parents can now choose between their traditional public school or Bear Creek Community Charter School, and do not have to worry about the costs associated with private school tuition.
Parents choose Bear Creek Community Charter School because they embrace and support high academic expectations for their children – the same high academic expectations Bear Creek Community Charter School demands of its students. The Board of Trustees, administration and staff are uniformly committed to preparing students to leave Bear Creek Community with the best public education possible, to prepare them for high school, college and the real world beyond. Bear Creek Community Charter School continually "raises the bar", and students and parents who are not fully committed to academic success should not apply or enroll at Bear Creek Community Charter School unless they understand this common goal and shared commitment.
Parents choose Bear Creek Community Charter School because they want their children to get a solid understanding and appreciation for the natural environment in which we all live, and learn how to sustain our environment for future generations. Environmental Education is a key component of Bear Creek Community Charter School's academic program. Ecology and Environmental Science is woven into the academic fabric of the school, and each student receives dedicated instructional time specific for environmental education, in addition to the traditional Science coursework. Students engage in hands-on learning opportunities, participate in field-work (work outdoors), and actively participate in school-wide environmental leadership opportunities. It is important that parents understand that all Bear Creek Community Charter School students will be provided with hands-on experiences in the natural world, and are expected to participate fully.
Parents choose Bear Creek Community Charter School because of the small, safe and community-oriented environment created by our nurturing staff. School enrollment will never exceed 468 students, and class sizes are “capped” at twenty-six students per class. Our dedicated and caring staff is committed to each child's academic success, and they go out of our way to ensure all children feel welcome. Parents choose Bear Creek Community Charter School because it openly embraces true parental involvement. Parents are a key partner in the educational process at Bear Creek Community Charter School. Teachers and parents openly communicate and problem-solve to ensure each child is working towards achieving their fullest potential. Parents participate in tutoring programs, serve as classroom assistants, actively participate in the Parent/Teacher Organization, and serve on the School Improvement Team. Parents, along with staff, are important stakeholders in the success of our students and the future of our school. Parents of Bear Creek Community Charter School are expected to actively participate, it is required.