Wednesday, February 26, 2025

School Performance & Accountability

Welcome! Bear Creek Community Charter School created this public web page to highlight the existing transparency and accountability measures that currently exist relative to charter school operations. Many of these are also requirements of traditional public school districts; however some are charter school specific, as public charter schools have more accountability requirements than traditional public school districts.

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)

The annual Pennsylvania System School Assessment is a standards-based, criterion-referenced assessment which provides students, parents, educators and citizens with an understanding of student and school performance related to the attainment of proficiency of the academic standards. Every Pennsylvania student in grades 3 through 8 is assessed in English Language Arts and Math. Every Pennsylvania student in grades 4 and 8 is assessed in science.

Future Ready PA Index

The Future Ready PA Index illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness, providing the public with a more comprehensive look at how Pennsylvania's schools are educating students.

Special Education Compliance

The Pennsylvania Department of Education conducts a comprehensive compliance review of all public schools every three years to ensure compliance with state and federal law relating to special education. This review includes on-site visits to review case files, interviews with parents and staff, observations in the classroom, and a facilitated self-assessment process. The Department of Education found no corrective action warranted, and actually commended Bear Creek Community Charter School for full compliance as well as implementing an innovative program for positive behavior and support. The compliance report is a public document.

Federal Programs Applications

Bear Creek Community Charter School operates a school wide Title I program under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Title I funding is used to provide supplemental push-in and pull-out educational services as part of the School’s Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) program. Title II funding is utilized for professional development as well as recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers. Title IV funding is used to support environmental education initiatives. The Federal Programs Application (Title I, Title II and Title II) are public documents.

Federal Programs Performance Reporting

Bear Creek Community Charter School operates a school wide Title I program under the Every Student Succeeds Act. The School is required to set/submit annual goals to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and then complete follow-up reporting as to whether or not the School attained the goals that were previously set. The Performance Reports (Title I, Title II and Title II) are public documents.

Federal Programs Compliance Review

The Pennsylvania Department of Education conducts a comprehensive compliance review of all public schools every three years to ensure compliance with state and federal law relating to the use of federal funds under the Every Student Succeeds Act. This review includes on-site visits to review program documents, interviews with parents and staff, and a facilitated self-assessment process. The Department of Education found that Bear Creek Community Charter School was in complete compliance with current statute, regulations and guidance released by the United States Department of Education. The compliance report is a public document.

Annual Independent Audit

Bear Creek Community Charter School undergoes a comprehensive annual audit of financial statements on an annual basis by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The audit report and financial statements are public documents, and are provided annually to the Wilkes-Barre Area School District (chartering district) and Pennsylvania Department of education as part of the Charter Annual Report.

Annual Tax Return – IRS Form 990

Each year, Bear Creek Community Charter School completes and submits IRS Form 990 – Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, to the Internal Revenue Service. This document is also made available to the public through GuideStar. This annual filing provides the public with the organization’s activities, governance and financial information.

School Health Annual Report

Each year Bear Creek Community Charter School submits a comprehensive report to the Pennsylvania Department of Health detailing health services provided to students, screenings, and the costs associated with providing student health services. This is a public document.

Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey

Parents are a critical component to the success of students and our school. Each year Bear Creek Community Charter School undertakes an anonymous survey of parents, soliciting critical feedback on school operations. This information is utilized by the Board of Trustees, school administrators and staff in considering operational changes to fulfill our commitment to ongoing improvement, which ultimately benefits our students. Parent satisfaction is also a component of the School’s performance-based compensation program. The Annual Parent Satisfaction Report is shared with all stakeholder groups, and is a public document.

Charter Annual Report

Each year, Bear Creek Community Charter School completes and submits a comprehensive Charter Annual Report, which is submitted electronically to both the Wilkes-Barre Area School District (chartering district) as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This accountability tool provides information regarding the composition of the School’s Board of Trustees, administration, staffing, fiscal matters, compliance with state and federal law, special education, professional development for staff, facilities, capital expenditures, and more. This is a public document.

Comprehensive Plan

Each three years, Bear Creek Community Charter School completes and submits a Comprehensive Plan to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The plan provides key demographic information, mission, core values, information about the school community, school governance and management, student enrollment, stakeholder involvement, federal programs, charter school concerns, challenges and accomplishments, as well as an action plan. This is a public document.

Future Ready PA Index