Thursday, February 27, 2025

Parent/Teacher Organization

Research supports that family involvement in a child's education is an extremely important factor in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement. The involvement of families at Bear Creek Community Charter School is one of the pillars on which the school was founded.

The Bear Creek Community Charter School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) is an active partner in providing students with unique opportunities and supporting school-wide programs.

PTO Meetings

The Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO meet monthly while school is in session. The meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. in the School Dining Hall. Everyone is welcome! Meetings are generally held the second Wednesday of every month.

PTO Membership

Each year, the PTO sponsors many events such as field trips, a Holiday Bazaar, Field Day and the Spring Festival. These are wonderful activities that compliment the hands-on educational process that gets Bear Creek Community Charter School students excited about coming to school and learning! However, to participate in the planning, as well as sharing in the enjoyment of these activities with your children, you must be an active member of the Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO. To join the Parent/Teacher Organization, download the PTO Membership Form.

PTO Fundraising Opt Out

Throughout the year, students are provided with opportunities to participate in various field trips and other activities such as the annual Spring Festival. Reduced-priced yearbooks are also made available to students. Many of these activities are funded or subsidized by the annual fundraising activities of the Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO.

Participation in last year’s fundraising efforts was very limited, and as a result, the PTO is concerned that student activities may be negatively impacted. We all know that there are times where we simply can’t sell anything more or we just simply don’t have the time to participate in a particular fundraiser. The estimated annual cost to fund ongoing activities is approximately $60.00 per child.

We understand the financial constraints of the current world, but also we want to make sure we can continue to provide these activities to your children. We urge your participation in all the fundraisers since most have incentives for your child to win prizes as well as help fund student activities. For parents who prefer to opt out of fundraising but want to help ensure these wonderful student activities continue, there are other options available. Learn More.

PTO By Laws

The Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO will work together as a group to foster a spirit of cooperation and communication between parents, school administrators and the teachers. It is our goal to continually improve and expand the opportunities for our children to have educational, cultural as well as recreational experiences that would complement activities provided by the school. Download acopy of the Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO By-Laws.

PTO Officer Nominations

Bear Creek Community Charter School Parent Teacher Organization accepts nominations for the positions of Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer on an annual basis. To nominate a parent for any PTO position, download the PTO Executive Board Nomination Form.

PTO Committees

Bear Creek Community Charter School maintains a number of active parent committees that help support school activities. To learn more about a particular committee, download the Committee List.

Yearbook Orders

Bear Creek Community Charter PTO annually publishes a full-color yearbook. Yearbooks are available for student and parents to purchase by ordering them in advance. A limited number of extra yearbooks will be available for sale at the end of the school year. To reserve your Bear Creek Community Charter School Yearbook, download the Yearbook Order Form.

Intermediate and Middle School Dances

Bear Creek Community Charter School's 5th and 6th Intermediate Grade Dance and 7th and 8th grade Middle School Dance are sponsored by the PTO and put on by the student council. During the year, there are two Middle School dances, one in the fall/winter and one in the spring. The 5th and 6th Intermediate grade has their only dance in the Spring. The 7th and 8th grade dances begin at 7:00p.m. and end at 9:00p.m. The 5th and 6th grade dance begins after school at 3:30p.m. and ends at 5:00p.m. All students will need a signed permission slip before purchasing a ticket. Tickets are $1 prior to the day of the dance and $2 at the door. Download the Permission Slip.

School Spirit Apparel

The Bear Creek Community Charter School PTO is pleased to offer the new Online School Apparel Catalog! The new online store allows you to view the item in the colors and sizes available before order. Click here view the catalog. Thank you for your support!